Portfolio Inferno
I Canto

Halfway through the journey we are living I found myself deep in a darkened forest, For I had lost all trace of the straight path.

II Canto

Day was now fading, and the dusky air Released the creatures dwelling here on earth From tiring tasks, while I, the only one,

III Canto

Through Me Pass into the Painful City, Through Me Pass into Eternal Grief, Through Me Pass among the Lost People.

IV Canto

A loud thunderclap shattered the deep
Sleep in my head, so that I started up
Like someone shaken forcibly awake.

V Canto

So I descended from the first circle
Into the second, encompassing less space But sharper pain which ...

VI Canto

Returning to the consciousness I'd lost In the pathos of those kindred lovers Whose plight completely ...